Are you making a small amount of income online? Or perhaps you've got a small income doing something off line. It's funny how often you hear the comment-
"Why don't you do more hours at work you'd make more money!"
Certainly, if you're like me, you experiment here and there and you make a small bit of money hear and there for quite a lot of time spent. Some people think this is silly, they are the people who do their day job thinking they are financially secure. To use Buckminster Fuller's definition of wealth (also mentioned in Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Korasaki) wealth is how many days you could survive if your day job was to end. In other words- don't rely on one job for your income or security, not only are many jobs on short-term contracts, but companies come and go.
Spending time experimenting with what works and doesn't work and finding out what you like doing to build an online income is time well spent. How many wealthy men and women made their wealth immediately? None (unless it was inherited)- they tried different things and failed many times. Except, successful people don't see it as failing- it's learning.
My hourly income from my online activities is very low, but the satisfaction I get from learning and from things working is very high. I also know, that when it does work- I made it work!
So, if you're not making a lot of money yet- you are in the university of life, learning how to make it work and you follow in the footsteps of the those now on six figure incomes- keep at it!
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
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