Wednesday 18 June 2008

FOCUS focus!

As you may have seen, I've not been blogging much recently, one reason is a bereavement in the family, this naturally has taken the wind from my sails. Another reason is that I have been practicing what I preach in that I've been focusing on writing promotional material for my children's entertainer project.

I realised that I have been spreading myself too thinly and that I need to focus my energy onto this one project. Being of an artistic/creative nature, it is difficult for me to stay focussed on just one thing! However, after listening to some Brian Tracy recordings- I realise I really need to focus hard in one area to progress.

For those of you setting out on the journey to add to or entirely replace your day job income with another form of income, focus is absolutely key. The internet is an amazing tool, but, being so vast and so full of interesting distractions it can sap all your valuable time and blur your focus.

Similarly, if you pressurise yourself too much and end of avoiding a task then feeling guilty ad infinitum. Take away the pressure and just spend 5 minutes on the task- you will very probably find that the process of doing something leads you to do more. It's a fact that frequently, motivation follows action.

So, clarify what it is you really want and keep clarifying this each day until you have one specific goal- do this on paper, it wont work if you try to do this in your head. Then really focus on all the ways you can make this goal a reality- again , do this on paper and make a file just for this project which you refer to daily.


Wednesday 28 May 2008

Keeping positive

If you study entrepreneurs who have been successful , or people who have become successful in any field you'll find that they all posses one thing, and that is a positive outlook. Certainty traveling the road of self- employment or entrepreneurs is not an easy one- many struggled for years to become successful, many made a fortune then lost it again before working out how to keep their wealth. But, they all see the bigger picture, if I may use my gardening analogy again, if you got an allotment that had been left to fill with weeds, you wouldn't expect it to become a beautiful and productive plot immediately. You would imagine how you want it to be in the future and this would make all the weeding, digging and hard work much more palatable.

It is this long-term view and vision that drives successful people to endure hardships (or delay gratification) that they know will produce the result they want in the future. People as diverse as Richard Branson, Anita Roddick, mother Teresa all had/ have long term vision which kept them going when things got tough.

Finding ways to see the bigger picture to keep you going when things get tough is a vital part to being successful in whatever field you want to excel in.


Wednesday 21 May 2008

Keeping ehtical

Making money can sometimes become such an obsession with some people that ethics are forgotten or ignored. Obviously, different people have different ethics and ways of creating wealth.

Anyone can make money by being ruthless and heartless- that is not a challenge, it's a weakness. I think the real challenge is integrity and remaining as ethical as possible- in other words, realising that money is a tool and not the whole reason for living! Ultimately, there comes a day when you are in the autumn of your life, do you want to be remembered as someone who got really rich, or as someone who made positive change in this world as they grew wealthy.


Monday 12 May 2008

Want success- you need targets!

So, you've decided that you want to up your income, or add another stream of income to your main one (which is wise as jobs are not secure). The problem is, many people, myself included, just have this as a vague idea and flounder around wasting energy and getting nowhere.

The big secret, if you can call it a secret is TARGETS!

When I say, targets, I mean concrete, written targets of just how much money you wish to make or save each week, month, year and so on- without targets, you're unlikely to get started and that vague idea remain just that, a vague idea!

So, what makes a good target?

All targets and goals need to be SMART

(not I'll make a bit of extra income, but- On the week ending 11 May I will earn an extra £5)

(I made a bit more cash, but- on the week ending 11 May I made £3, target was £5)

(Not, I'll make a million pounds in a year- something that is achievable for you- but this will change- you can demand more of yourself as you learn0

(Similar to achievable- have realistic expectations so that you get success and keep motivated)

Time- bound
(This is where you have specific targets to be achieved on a specific time/ date)

By ensuring all your targets meet the SMART criteria, you are much more likely to achieve them. The other vital element is that you write these targets down- writing something down makes it much more likely you will do them, it makes an idea into something concrete.

Start small and build as you gain experience- you need to have some successes to feel motivated, also you need to be able to deal with set-backs and keep going- that is what successful people do- and you are one!


Tuesday 15 April 2008

Context and content leads to contentment!


Due to some pressing family things at the moment, I haven't been able to blog as often as I'd like, and this entry will be brief.

Alongside Robert Koyosaki's "Retire young, retire rich" book I have also been reading "Anyone can do it" by Duncan Bannnatyne (from BBC2 Dragon's Den)- which is his story of how he went from buying an ice cream van, to having a fleet of ice cream vans, old people's homes, gyms and so on.

I firmly believe that if one wants to achieve bigger things one needs to read from people who have achieved them. This both inspires and shows the attitude that shows the difference between someone who has a good idea and does nothing with it and an entrepreneur. Although each entrepreneur is different- there are certain traits than most have. A key one is vision, another is drive- having an idea is one thing, but it's drive that will see it through when things get tough, and get tough they will!

Getting back to the title- context and content= contentment: Robert Kiyosaki regularly states that expanding ones context, thinking bigger if you will, is how you expand wealth or assets. Similarly, one needs to learn new language and ways of thinking to use in that context in order to grow. think of it this, when you were a child, enough money to buy a comic and some sweets was you context and you needed simple language (content) to do those things. Later, as a teenager, you would want to buy CD's (or records if you're as old as me!) and go to see bands or play sports so your context was now bigger and your language expanded to keep up.

I am not stating that everyone should star a multinational business here, merely, that one needs to look at what one really wants and expand the context and language you'll need to achieve it. Similarly, you can start forming some sort of "map" by studying people who've already achieved what you want to do.

Another key thing- never ever, assume you know everything! There is always more to know and learn and mistakes are one of the ways one will learn things- all entrepreneurs make mistakes- that's why they are successful.

Wednesday 26 March 2008

Grow your business with context and content


Continuing from last blog about Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich dad's retire young, retire rich"- another concept that has really got me thinking is the concept of expanding your concept. In other words- thinking bigger than you do currently, by thinking bigger and challenging yourself to leave your comfort zone, you can build greater wealth. This isn't overnight growth, but by thinking on a bigger scale you can get bigger results- with the right planning!

I'm pretty sure this concept is what took many of todays entrepreneurs from a cottage industry in the shed to a global player. Again, this concept needn't be confined to making more money, it applied to charities, movements and pressure groups. A larger context requires greater leverage, too.

Robert is very candid about his unsuccessful as well as his successful businesses, which is very important. I think many highly successful people today have failed many times before they succeeded- but, they know that failing is a great way to learn more and they continue until they succeed.

Robert also says that having an "exit plan" is vital- in other words, where do you want to end up? Many people, myself included, try a few things out here and there but don't have a plan where they want to be in, say, ten or twenty years time. Naturally, if you go for a long voyage without a map or destination, you can end up nowhere at all!

Robert's books have sound financial principles and lessons- my slant on wealth generation is to build a big enough passive income to allow me to do more of what I like and less that I don't. I want to do it with ecological principles where possible- this is no easy path to follow, but it is the path I choose.

Thursday 20 March 2008

Lessons in leveredge


Hi again,

I have just started reading another Robert kiyosaki book "Rich Dad's Retire Young, Retire Rich".

The main focus in this book is the use of leverage- if you are working harder and harder- then you are part of someone else's leverage and not using it to your advantage.

So, what's leverage?
It is using your assets in a way that gives you maximum advantage- much as using a pole to roll something heavy or using a pulley to lift something. Money can be used in this way, too. If you use money badly, you become the one being moved by the lever.

Money is not your only asset to use for leverage- your mind, time and health can, too. I like to to environmentally aware and grow some of my own food- and I see many parallels between good financial strategy and growing crops and gardening. You can spend hours digging and bending over preparing the ground- or, you can build a raised bed so that your crops will produce earlier, the slugs will find it more difficult to find your plants and you wont have to bend over much to tend your crops.

I feel that the principle of leverage can be used in many ways- you can lever your time, say, by listening to audio books whilst on a long journey. You can use spare moments to scribble down ideas for businesses or marketing. You can lever your health by making all or part of your journey to work by walking or cycling (with added cost and environmental benefits).

How about levering your kindness? How can you produce more kindness with the same effort? Can you introduce people who need company? Can you send positive messages by email?

As Robert says, when you start to look around you'll see more and more ways you could use leverage, obviously, this blog is about generating income, however, there are other forms of wealth that could benefit- family, friends, your time, health and happiness- how can this be levered? Could you find time to listen to your favourate music or comedian?

So, instead of trying to push that rock- find yourself a lever!

Tuesday 11 March 2008

You're wasting your time- just do overtime at work!

Are you making a small amount of income online? Or perhaps you've got a small income doing something off line. It's funny how often you hear the comment-

"Why don't you do more hours at work you'd make more money!"

Certainly, if you're like me, you experiment here and there and you make a small bit of money hear and there for quite a lot of time spent. Some people think this is silly, they are the people who do their day job thinking they are financially secure. To use Buckminster Fuller's definition of wealth (also mentioned in Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Korasaki) wealth is how many days you could survive if your day job was to end. In other words- don't rely on one job for your income or security, not only are many jobs on short-term contracts, but companies come and go.

Spending time experimenting with what works and doesn't work and finding out what you like doing to build an online income is time well spent. How many wealthy men and women made their wealth immediately? None (unless it was inherited)- they tried different things and failed many times. Except, successful people don't see it as failing- it's learning.

My hourly income from my online activities is very low, but the satisfaction I get from learning and from things working is very high. I also know, that when it does work- I made it work!

So, if you're not making a lot of money yet- you are in the university of life, learning how to make it work and you follow in the footsteps of the those now on six figure incomes- keep at it!

Monday 3 March 2008

From clutter to cash!

Over the last week to ten days I have been clearing the build up of clutter in my study by selling on Ebay and on Amazon.

I expect you're all very familiar with Ebay, you've probably bought things from the site, possibly sold, too. Do you know the best ways to generate interest to you auctions? The link at the top of this blog lifts the lid on a few Ebay secrets, for example, did you know you can get cashback when you buy something on Ebay? Check out my Ebay insider and magic money mini sites (Squidoo lenses) for more details.

I have also sold two books within a week of listing them on Amazon, the trick here is to keep your prices competitive, this included selling one book for a penny! If you're unfamiliar with the penny listing trick- here's how it works: Amazon pays a set postal rate (currently £2.75) so, if the book is light and the real cost of postage is low, you make a profit on the postage! Obviously, if you get the book very cheaply, this works out OK.

Whilst my income from these sales is small, it's a nice way to turn clutter into cash and gain some experience at the same time.

I mentioned Robert Kiyosaki's brilliant book Rich Dad, Poor Dad
I cannot recommend this enough if you want a clear, concise and engaging explanation of why and how you can get control of your finances instead of having your finances dictate to you how to live your life.

Saturday 23 February 2008

Get Rich Slowly!

Wealth- it's a learning thing! I have now finished reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad and I'm busy re-reading it, making notes on key points. If you've not read it, and you want to get a true insight as to how the wealthy make and keep their wealth, or even if you want to work smarter and not harder- I'd say this book is essential reading!

I also picked up a copy of Richard Branson's book "Screw It, Let's do it!" - it's a slim book in large print designed of people with a reading age between 9-12 years old, though not aimed at kids- aimed at adults with reading difficulties. Understandably, it's written in simple language, but it does show how, even as a child, Richard Branson loved a challenge. His drive to succeed and sheer guts is what makes him so successful. I can see some sort of thread running through the life stories of wealthy and successful people.

What is important to remember, is that getting things wrong and failing is part of becoming successful. It's how you handle the failure that makes the difference. Many entrepreneurs have gone broke and failed many times before they finally work out the formula to their success. It's their ability to see failures as valuable lessons and keep going that makes them different from most other people.

Very few people get rich quickly- their early attempts where they fail are bot newsworthy, it's a mistake to think that great wealth comes very quickly- unless by inheriting it. Just as a baby tries to walk and falls thousands of times before learning to walk- we need to be able to learn that "falling" is part of the process.

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Leveridge and surfing control!

I will keep this a entry brief and to the point, not least because I have decided to limit myself to three hours of internet a day whilst at home! Either you know why or you may wonder why.. well, to find that it's now 10pm and you haven't eaten is pretty scary- many of you may be painfully aware that the internet can swallow up many hours of your day.

By restricting my internet time I hope that my surfing will be more productive and that i can re gain a social life! Already this has started to work as yesterday I put quite a few items on Ebay and Amazon for sale. I now eat at a reasonable time and I have actually started to read some of the ebooks I've downloaded rather simply accumulate them without looking at them.

Todays surfing was part pleasure and part focussed learning. I have managed to avoid youtube and I took advantage of a bonus offered by a bookie to do some more matched betting - I give the outline of this on my magic money mini site

Part of this change is from reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad and starting to look at what assets and liabilities I have. Time is most definitely an asset and wasting too much of it generates poor habits which will undo any attempts by me to build an online income.

The discipline also forces me to lever my time to be more productive- and allows me time to read some of the ebooks which may well help me do this!

British Blog Directory.

British Blog Directory.

Wednesday 13 February 2008

Make money with your ASSETS

I have just been reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, as well as being a fascinating story, it makes it clear how the rich deal get rich and the poor remain poor. The author had two fathers- one was an academic who worked hard for a living but was always having to work harder to keep up payments on his house, his son's education etc. The other father was a self made wealthy man who made his money work for him.

Personally I feel that providing reasonable pay and conditions for employees and taking care of the environment are important, too. However, the principal of not relying solely on your job for income and security I think is very wise. For true security you need to recognise and build up your assets so that you make your money work hard for you, so you can have a safety net if your income as an employee were to stop. In these times, employment can suddenly change or even stop.

It is increasingly important to build a multi-stream income and the internet makes this much easier than it used to be. For example, this blog has links to my mini-sites where I can make a small income from referrals to cashback sites and from sales of books on Amazon. At the moment this is a tiny passive income as it takes a while for people who I've referred to build up enough points on the cashback sites to trigger my affiliate income.

I am still learning ways to build traffic to my sites, in other words- this is my on-line income education and I can experiment without it costing any money and I stand to make money in the long run.

Here's how you can SAVE money!
Here's how you can MAKE money or get stuff for FREE!
Here's some great EBAY INSIDER secrets!
The AMAZING Derren Brown
Me as Alexkazam the magic man!

Saturday 2 February 2008

What do you do to promote?

In this blog I will share with you some of the tactics I use to promote myself and my mini websites etc to people.

You can pay lots of money to get someone to do SEO (site engine optimization) and for pay to click advertising- this may work for you and, if you're short on time, may be what you need. There is, however an alternative. There are an ever growing number of vehicles to drive traffic to your web site or blog. Most of them are free, and, if used correctly will drive traffic to you in a viral way once set up.

If you have been to any of my mini sites- you will see that I used a great micro site called squidoo- it's FREE, fun and easy to set up. You can do it in stages and add content as you go- linking to your Ebay sales or Amazon affiliate links, also, squidoo share the Google advertising revenue they make with you- it's a no-brainer- you can only do well with squidoo. Here's my link, and remember, it's FREE!

Facebook is a great social networking site and has great potential to drive traffic to your website, especially if you create a group targeted at what your website is selling, here's one of my facebook groups
It's growing slowly, but it is better to have a targeted list of people than a big list of disinterested ones.

With facebook- you can join similar groups and post comments- adding a link to your own facebook group. Do, however, provide good content rather than just spamming, this is frowned upon and ends up just annoying people.

There is also the mighty You Tube where you can post videos of yourself or share videos with other people. This is a real goldmine for free marketing- think of something that will "go viral" (in other words will get forwarded to lots of people who will keep expanding your advert for you).

Here's my
You Tube channel
As I currently don't have a camera I simply use windows movie maker to produce simple videos or I upload videos i find on the internet. When I get a camera set up, I will upload videos with me speaking- you need to form a relationship with your potential audience is the current thinking in marketing.

Well, I hope this has been helpful for you, I will continue to share some tips with you next time..

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Been busy off-line, too!

It's a while since I posted on here, so, bear with me, this post may be brief!

I have been concentrating on one of my off-line projects- as
the magic man! I had a request from a colleague to perform for a birthday party for a four year old. I've not performed for a while but the show went well, there are things that I will change about my show from the experience I'm getting and that is to do more balloon animals and less magic. Actually, the same amount of magic but stream lined and added gags!

I have added to my magic money mini site and added more to my Ebay insider mini site should you wish to be looking at increasing your income and saving money, too.

I will keep this blog brief so that I can add valuable content to my mini sites!

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Viral er...stuff

Well, I have been continuing my experiments with my squidoo lens on making easy money in the UK
My magic money uk lens
and I now see that Google has recognised it, at last! I've done so much tweaking to it that it's hard to know which thing I did has brought it to Google's attention- it could even be this blog!

Anyway, I wrote to someone on facebook who has been putting his referral link up to try to get people to join a site- if he gets 13 referrals he gets a playstation... he also sent me a link to his friend's website who had done this successfully - I am looking into this! it all seems legit and the website is down to earth and not over hyped.

I could well be adding this to my My magic money site

and I hope to get enough referrals to do this- but i know from experience and from what other people write- getting traffic to your website is one thing, getting people to actually sign up then take action is another- i suspect that the major reason for this is the over hyped and scam ridden offers plastered all over the internet.

Well, one thing i don't have on my mini site is scams or hype!

My magic money lens

Monday 14 January 2008

This time next year Rodney..we'll be millionaires!

Welcome to my blog number 3- a hat trick!

I have to admit that my weekend was spend tidying my house in readiness for guests as it was my birthday last week and I had friends over to celebrate with a nice, rowdy, meal!

What I have been doing though, is working on ways to promote my squidoo lenses- these are the wonderful mini-sites which you can build, FOR FREE and use to promote..well, just about anything!

I have used various tactics, such as bookmarking my sites to various sites such as "stumbleupon", "delicious" and so on and trying to ensure i used keyword rich content and, especially headings and subheadings.

I continue to explore the massive world of online business opportunities- finding ways to sort the dodgy ones from the real ones is always a challenge- but I don't fall for obviously over-hyped "squeeze pages" and poorly designed and executed videos or websites by supposed internet millionaires look very suspect to me!

I will continue to work on my "squidoo lenses" to add content that you can use straight away to make you some money!
My magic money lens
My ebay insider secrets lens
My children's party ideas lens

I really do recommend getting yourself a "squidoo lens"- it's free and fun!


Tuesday 8 January 2008

UK Internet income

Well, this is my second ever blog with blogger and I thought I'd focus on uk internet income.

There are plenty of American based websites and promotions about making an internet income and many of the ones showing in the UK are of US origin.

I have been experimenting with "squidoo lenses", which, if you don't know them, are mini sites in a web 2.0 format. They are ideal for non-techies like me to build a nice looking, fun and functional mini site. I think the name came from the fact that a squid has far reaching tentacles and the lens bit is because each mini site focuses on the important details with no padding.

I recommend you join squidoo if you have anything to say, sell, promote or just for fun! You get a share of the advertising revenue from the (fairly unobtrusive) Google adwords and you can link your lens to relevant Amazon books or to your ebay items for sale.

Although the modules for ebay and Amazon go to US versions, you can simply include you links within the link list module.

There are many ways in the UK to make an internet income- the easiest are by using cashback sites and doing online surveys see my squidoo lens


and join in the fun. There are some easy to apply internet income ideas on my lens, too.


Sunday 6 January 2008

Wow! My first blog with blogger!

Although I have dabbled and produced a couple of blogs, this is my first REAL blog!

Now I have popped my blogging cherry I will get down to the nitty gritty. I will keep this blog chatty and try to make it informative and entertaining and, although I'm English and it's winter I promise not to talk about the weather..unless that last bit was considered talking about that case, sorry!

I have been fascinated with the growth of the internet and how the information age is affecting culture and business. I love the way out creative stuff online and the opportunities to create and network. I have been studying ways to generate an online income but everywhere I look I see badly designed adverts telling you how you can become a millionaire overnight- just send off your money for this life-changing report!

I'm sure there are genuine opportunities out there buried under the pile of shoddy, badly designed, over-hyped and plain dishonest bilge. I am seeking genuine opportunities, ones that work in the UK.

Marketing is ahead of the UK, but alot of the "amazing internet opportunities" I see from the US seem to play on ignorance and greed and much of the over-hyped squeeze pages wouldn't last 3 seconds over here- we're too cynical!

Anyway, this blog will show my journey into finding genuine opportunities
genuine opportunities.... and will be a scam-free zone!